
The benefits of setting intentions

The benefits of setting intentions on a daily basis   It can be easy to just let life run away with us. After all, life in the 21st Century is all too often busy, fast-paced and full of things to do. That’s why practices such as yoga and mindfulness meditation are becoming more mainstream, as […]

How mindfulness practice can help anxiety

Many of us live fast paced, stressful lives that can seem like we’re running from the beginning of the week to the end, without pausing to reflect or spend time doing the things that nourish us.   Juggling work or study (or both), family lives, relationships, friendships and all the admin that life brings is […]

a focus on fibre blog image

A focus on fibre

A focus on fibre: why it’s so important for our overall health When it comes to health, we’re often being told what to cut out of our diets but there’s a key nutrient that most people don’t eat enough of: fibre. The current government guidelines suggest adults should be consuming 30g of fibre daily (1), […]

The power of positive psychology

Psychology is the “scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those functions affecting a certain behaviour in a given context”. Or in other words, it’s the study of the mind, feelings, thoughts and behaviours, both in the consciousness and the unconsciousness.   Often, many aspects of psychology focus on negative thought processes, […]

Mental health and movement

The relationship between movement and mental health   As we continue to navigate life in a pandemic and we remain fearful that our newfound freedoms could again be restricted, our mental health is an ongoing concern. During the first lockdown the headlines were dominated by facts and figures, but underlying that was another health problem […]

Adapting to movement and fulfilling our needs

It’s easy to think that training and fitness is simply down to exercise; how we exercise, for how long and to what intensity. The more of each, the fitter we are. Which is true – but that isn’t the whole picture.   Considering what movements and exercises we perform is important if we’re training for […]

The 10 components of physical fitness and why each one is important

When you think of fitness, what do you think of? An Olympian or a medal winning athlete at the top of their game? A Grand Slam winning tennis player? Maybe someone you know who is able to reach your office on the tenth floor using the stairs, without getting out of breath? Maybe it’s you, […]

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Mind over muscle: The power of mindfulness for better movement

How well do you move? That might sound like an odd question, but think about it for a moment. Do you move about effortlessly, free from pain and restriction? Or do you sometimes move about uncomfortably and possibly awkwardly, with pain or stiffness in some of your joints? With demanding lifestyles, including jobs where we […]

Nimbus Nutrition

Nutrition: The Basics – Why every meal should be about balance

All food is made up of a base of three main macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein and fat. Despite all three being an essential part of the diet, some of these have been demonised over the years, largely prompted by the search for “the best diet”. But is there such a thing? In the 1960’s eating a […]

Creating Movement in a Still Day

Since our lives were changed unrecognisably in the early Spring of 2020 due to what is now known as a pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, many of us have been working from home. At first, this might have felt like a novelty. But now so many of us realise that working from the kitchen […]

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