
The benefits of setting intentions

The benefits of setting intentions on a daily basis   It can be easy to just let life run away with us. After all, life in the 21st Century is all too often busy, fast-paced and full of things to do. That’s why practices such as yoga and mindfulness meditation are becoming more mainstream, as […]

How mindfulness practice can help anxiety

Many of us live fast paced, stressful lives that can seem like we’re running from the beginning of the week to the end, without pausing to reflect or spend time doing the things that nourish us.   Juggling work or study (or both), family lives, relationships, friendships and all the admin that life brings is […]

The power of positive psychology

Psychology is the “scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those functions affecting a certain behaviour in a given context”. Or in other words, it’s the study of the mind, feelings, thoughts and behaviours, both in the consciousness and the unconsciousness.   Often, many aspects of psychology focus on negative thought processes, […]

Mental health and movement

The relationship between movement and mental health   As we continue to navigate life in a pandemic and we remain fearful that our newfound freedoms could again be restricted, our mental health is an ongoing concern. During the first lockdown the headlines were dominated by facts and figures, but underlying that was another health problem […]

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