
a focus on fibre blog image

A focus on fibre

A focus on fibre: why it’s so important for our overall health When it comes to health, we’re often being told what to cut out of our diets but there’s a key nutrient that most people don’t eat enough of: fibre. The current government guidelines suggest adults should be consuming 30g of fibre daily (1), […]

Nimbus Nutrition

Nutrition: The Basics – Why every meal should be about balance

All food is made up of a base of three main macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein and fat. Despite all three being an essential part of the diet, some of these have been demonised over the years, largely prompted by the search for “the best diet”. But is there such a thing? In the 1960’s eating a […]


Warming Winter Dahl Recipe

Warming Winter Dahl 5 cloves of garlic 2-inch chunk of ginger (crushed or finely diced) 6 spring onions 10 cherry tomatoes 1 tin of chickpeas 150g red dry lentils 2 handfuls of spinach (fresh or frozen) 1 tin of organic coconut milk A fresh lime Coriander 2 tbsp curry powder 2 tsp garam masala 1 […]

Sustainable Food Guide

Sustainable Food Guide

‘Living sustainably’ is a phrase we have all become quite familiar with in 2020. But what does it actually mean to put this into practice? Although sustainability is not a new concept, it has recently taken centre stage through social movements such as the ‘School Strike for Climate’ initiative with Greta Thunberg. Embracing a sustainable […]

Health tips to keep you safe-01

Health tips to keep you safe and well this summer

The temperature is rising and we’re finally enjoying the long, hot days of summer. While summer can be a nice break from the chilly days of seasons past, it can also bring unwanted health problems like dehydration, upset stomach, bacterial infections and heat stroke among others. Whether you’re holidaying at home or abroad this year, […]


Be a Good Egg – Myths & Facts about Eggs this Easter

Be a Good Egg Following decades of good press, the mighty egg has started to take a ‘beating’ of late with a cascade of accusations being hurled against it. Particularly concerning are claims that eating eggs can increase your risk of heart disease. This belief is based on several studies, the most damaging of which […]

Courgette Noodles with a Creamy Avocado Mint Sauce

Courgette Noodles with a Creamy Avocado Mint Sauce

This is one whopping plant-based meal that is as delicious as it is nutritious. It works perfectly as a healthy lunch or dinner option any time of year, but especially coming into Spring/Summer. The beauty of this dish is that it offers a unique balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, which isn’t always the case […]

The Microbiome

The Microbiome: What You Need to Know

About 100 trillion bacteria, both good and bad, are currently living inside your digestive system. Paired with other tiny organisms like viruses and fungi, they make up what’s known as the microbiome. Each person’s microbiome is unique to them. Your microbiome is decided by your mother’s microbiome – the environment that you’re exposed to at […]

Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Pumpkin & Lentil Soup

This nutritious pumpkin and red lentil soup is just the autumn warmer you need to keep you and your family nourished and supported during the colder months. The lentils in this soup means are an excellent source of plant-based protein. Combining a protein, e.g. lentils, to a carbohydrate, such as pumpkin, helps you feel fuller […]

5 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight

5 Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Weight

Like many other people, you have likely tried time and time again to lose weight with little to no success. You may feel discouraged and wonder what’s the point in even trying. While you’re not alone in these frustrations, there are a number of common weight-loss mistakes that, if avoided, will greatly improve your chances […]

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