
Reset Your Gut with Free Shopping List | Nimbus Clinics

Reset Your Gut [Infographic]

Download Your FREE Gut Reset Shopping List Here! With roughly 100 trillion bacteria and other organisms living mostly in our gut, there are more bacteria in the human body than cells. Most of the bacteria we have are actually beneficial, which aid bodily processes like digestion. They help keep the body functioning by processing and […]

Intermittent Fasting: Is it Right for You? | Nimbus Clinics

Intermittent Fasting: Is It for You?

One of the latest trends in the health world is intermittent fasting. Many people are using it to lose weight and to simplify their eating plans. Since popularity does not always mean it is the best option, there has been a lot of research on intermittent fasting that gives more details about the pros and […]

10 Super Foods that Reduce Inflammation

10 Super Foods that Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation in the body plays a vital role during injury, in presence of infection, and with digestion. Some people deal with chronic inflammation that causes a lot of discomfort and leads to weight gain and disease. It is not always clear why some deal with more inflammation than others, but it is believed to have […]

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