Sign up for a Complimentary Chiropractic Session
Discover Your Inner Health
Choose from a Complimentary Chiropractic or Sports Therapy Discovery Session
Your aches and pains don’t have to be your reality. We want to help get to the root of the problem and offer real solutions that can help you live a more vibrant, healthy lifestyle.
Your Complimentary Session will include:
• A personal, in-depth consultation discussing your current health situation, medical history, injuries or accidents to give us a better overall picture of your health status and an understanding of what you would like to achieve from your care with us.
• A full physical exam that checks how your body is functioning as well as thorough testing to establish what’s going on.
• A Personal Care Plan tailored to suit your needs to help you achieve the goals we've set together.
*This may require a follow up session which would also be included.